It is one thing when you find yourself cycling over and over the same thoughts, but it's another once those same boring thoughts play into your work (school) and life. Personally, things like projects and essays had become difficult for me to do because frankly the ideas were everywhere but my mind. Then it started to bother me.
To be completely honest, I find these creativity blocks to be accompanied by emotional ruts (or really the other way around). When life's got you down, it feels almost impossible to pick up a pencil and write something beyond, "See Sally walk".
And, as you may have (or may not have because it doesn't really matter to you) noticed, there was no blog post last week. Quite frankly, that was a combination of nothing going on and this rut I had been in.
I don't know where it broke. I started waking up each day with a more and more positive attitude despite the trials of the day past, the sun shone, and I felt... motivated. The energy was there, but where to release all that energy was still foreign to me.
So I dabbled in the lighthearted arts. I went on a bike ride with my family. I doodled all over my worksheet for Spanish class. I wrote an opening for what could potentially be a story.
The fog really seemed to clear this past Thursday afternoon riding home on the bus as I was thinking about a project I had to do for my World History class. I had done the project already, but I knew it was terrible (despite how hard I worked on it). Then a great idea for what I should do popped into my head, and the project was due tomorrow. I did, in fact, re-do my project. It was much better, and I was satisfied.
You're probably reading this and thinking, "Why do I care that a fifteen-year-old girl figured out what to do for her history project?".
I'm not saying this to say that I've "figured things out". I haven't. I don't think I ever can. However, I am saying that motivation to do something causes change. Where does this motivation come from? For me, in this case, I think it was the weather. It had been sunny, dry, and the slightest bit warm for awhile. Gone were the cloudy, wet, wintery days that offered no light into any situation. Once the light reigned in, it was as if I could see again.
My creativity drives me. What drives you could be completely different, and that motivation to go for what you're drawn to could be completely different too. To act upon whatever it is that drives you - just do it. I feel instantly better after writing parts of a story I'm working on or even blogging. With that relief I can suddenly work better in school, smile more, and better my surroundings.
So write. Draw. Jog. Run. Sing. Dance. I don't know - do what you love. Don't let the dog days of the world prevent you from doing what you love. The only way to combat negativities in life is love.
Love comes in many different forms. Love changes things. Love is what the world should run on.
Love - just do it.
This took a sappy turn, but we need to be reminded of what our potential can do for the world. I was in a creativity block. I felt as if I couldn't do anything. Imagine if the whole world stayed in their own "creativity blocks"? Nothing good would come of it.
Remember what's important to you. Like I said at the beginning - I consider myself a creative person. School, which more often than not can drain you of creativity, and other things shouldn't get in the way of that. It won't get in the way of that. I started a creative writing club at my school just to implement that you can do what you love despite the circumstances.
To close, I will leave you with two final thoughts. What drives you? What burns within you? Think about. Do something about it. Maybe, just maybe, you'll smile.
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